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Sunday, October 20, 2019

Papaya leaves to fight dengue

Papaya Leaves: for Dengue

Papaya leaves to fight dengue
1.Mullein leaf has been used a natural medicine since ancient times.This grows as a flowering weed in many parts of the world.The leaves, flowers and roots are used to treat different health problems.  2.The leaves are often brewed into a herbal tea, which is taken internally or appliedtopically to certain areas of the body for pain relief.  
3.One of the most popular uses for this herb is to treat respiratory issues.It has the ability to detox the lungs from tar, mucus and phlegm. 
 4.Many people who suffer with lung issues such as asthma or bronchitis use this herbal teaas it is said to improve air flow and make it easier to breathe.  
5.Mullein tea is also used to treat dry coughs, sore throats and tonsillitis, as it containspowerful antioxidants which have an anti-inflammatory effects on the throat.  
6.In America dried mullein leaves have been smoked using a pipe In order to enjoy thehealth benefits.We recommend inhaling the steam of the tea for a more effective method.  
7.An oil made from Mullein is also excellent for destroying both internal and externalinfections.This works especially well for those suffering with a vaginal yeast infection, but also canbe used to treat skin infections.  
8.It can be applied to haemmorhoids to help ease the pain and shrink them, by simply gentlydabbing mullein oil to the affected area.  
9.Drinking the tea on a regular basis can prevent infections from any types of bacteria, asthe leaves have some powerful antibacterial properties.  
10.Mullein Flower Oil is often used to treat earaches and ear infections in both childrenand adults.  11.Alternatively to reap the benefits, the leaves can simply be chewed and then simply spatout when the juice has been extracted.This is helpful in improving oral health.  
12.A tincture can be made by packing mullein leaves into a jar and covering with a strongalcohol such as vodka.Ensure the leaves are covered entirely and keep in a dark place for 8 weeks, shakingoccasionally.All of the benefits of these leaves are absorbed by the alcohol, and it can then be strainedto remove the leaves.  
13.Take a few drops of this tincture under the tongue for a few minutes before swallowing.This is a faster method than brewing a tea and works very quickly.  
14.Alternatively soak the leaves in olive oil for 3 weeks.This can be applied into the ears to treat ear infections.  
15.You can also take a large leaf which has been boiled in water and lay this over painfulareas on the body.It lowers inflammation effectively for those suffering with joint pain.  

Papaya leaves to fight dengue

Sounds familiar? Youve probably been bitten by those pesky mosquitoes before But beyond the itchy red bumps lies a greater danger DENGUE!This viral infection is transmitted through the bite Of infected female mosquitoes And can potentially develop into a life threatening disease As it stands Dengue is now the leading cause of hospitalisation and death Among people in Asia and Latin America While there is no specific cure to the disease A popular natural remedy for dengue Is papaya leaf Patients who consume the juice from this plant Commonly reported a reduction of dengue fever symptoms And improvement in overall health So, can papaya leaf really cure dengue fever?Carpaine A bio active compound found in papaya leaf Has been shown to increase blood platelet count and Help to reduce internal bleeding But how do we scale Carpaine extraction from papaya leaves So patients all over the world can consume it?Associate Professor Dr Hii Ching Lik From the University of Nottingham Malaysia Is heading a research program dedicated to finding The best way to extract and preserve Carpaine From papaya leaves To be made into fast-acting pills or syrup For dengue patients to easily consume The interdisciplinary research requires Dr Hii to work with researchers from different fields in the university Where postgraduate students get the opportunity to assist in high-level research like this If the techniques used by Dr Hii and his teamCan successfully preserve high amounts of extractable Carpaine They can then partner with pharmaceutical companies To develop the medication on a bigger scale This will be a medical breakthrough in the treatment of dengue And can potentially save Many lives!

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