Dengue fever is a viral disease spread by mosquitoes.

Dengue fever is caused by 1 to 4 different but related viruses. It is spread by mosquito bites, most commonly the mosquito Aedes aegypti, which is found in tropical and subtropical regions. This area includes:Indonesian archipelago in northeastern Australia
South and Central America
Southeast Asia
Sub-Saharan Africa
Parts of the Caribbean (including Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands)
Dengue fever is rare in the US mainland. Dengue fever should not be confused with dengue hemorrhagic fever, which is a different disease caused by the same type of virus, but has much more severe symptoms.
Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne disease caused by a virus of the same name.It’s a part of the Flaviviridae family, known for its other famous members: YellowFever, West Nile, and Zika.It’s also referred to as breakbone fever, but that should be the least of your concern...whatyou need to worry about is a complete.system.shutdown.Most commonly found in tropical regions, Dengue puts 40-50% of the global population at risk.With symptoms ranging from fever, rashes, painful joint and muscle aches to vomiting,Dengue can resemble the flu, but it can become life-threatening in a much different way.When the pH changes, it changes the configuration of the Dengue virus.Actually, at that point I could grab the model.Great.Okay, thank you.Cool, all right.Dengue prop.Im Shannon Bennett.I work at the California Academy of Sciences.Im curator of microbiology and chief of science, and I study the genetic makeup of Dengue viruses.Ive been working on it since 2000 and I was one of the first people to look at large swathsof the Dengue virus genome to pinpoint where key mutations were occurring to drive itsspread and pathogenicity.
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