glowing skin

hello friends today I am going to tell some foods for glowing skin each to glowhere are some foods which enhances the glow of the skin it is not oneparticular but combination of several foods all this help you in glowing skinif your skin is hydrated you look fresh and aimed tomatoes tomatoes are packedwith antioxidants known as lycopene it promotes more production of collagenin the body collagen is responsible for tightening of the skin and it is alsohaving anti-aging property it prevents sunburnhence Tomatoes helps in glowing skin Wallace Wallace our powerhouse ofomega-3 fatty acid they help in lubricating and moisturizing of the skinchocolate one piece of chocolate a day works a lot it includes the glow of theskin cocoa flavonoids present in chocolate makes your skin hydrated andbaby soft thank you for watching this video like and subscribe for more videosCreate a healthy environment If your all close friends are like this, thatthey all day keep eating junk foods, for whom being lazy is cool and doing exercise is boring.And they used to smoke 10 to 12 cigarettes daily, also many often they celebrate withalcohol party, if all of them follow this kind of lifestyle, then it is common for youto adopt the same kind of lifestyle to cope up with them.On the other hand if your close friends are health conscious, who regularly exercise,avoid junk foods as much as possible, then it is common for you to adopt similar lifestylelike them.So if possible try to choose your closest 5 persons in life with whom you spend themost of the time in a day, who are health consciousWho understand that "Health is the real wealth" and also practice it.Also if your freeze is all time packed up with a lot of junk foods like cadbury andcold drinks, then stop doing this.Because if your own room is full of junk foods then it is meaningless to try to be healthy
Yoga is not just your practise of a deep or mild stretchIt really is about bringing your breath, your pranayour life force and blood flow to all thesmallest of cells in the bodyI am Lamya, your yoga expert on glamrs.comand am gonna share with you a few poses for glowing skinPlease refrain from doing these poses if you're pregnanthave low or high blood pressure, neck and back issues or migrainsOtherwise, you are good to goBhujang asana or cobra pose opens the chest andreduces fatigue and tension in the bodyIt releases toxins and revitalises and rejuvenates your skinThis pose brings increased oxygen to the face andtightens the muscles of your faceStart by lying on your belly,bring your hands to the side of the chest and keep them flat to the groundKeep your feet together and your toe-nails to the floorNow bring your forehead to the earthand keep your neck straight while doing thisGently take a breath and as the belly fills withbreath, slowly lift your head, shoulders and chest off the earthkeep rolling the shoulders away from your bodyusing the strength of your upper bodyrather than pushing into your handsToe-nails should be pressed firmly down into the floorTake 5-10 breathes as per your capacityand then exhaleslowly bring yor chest down and head back to the floorRepeat 2-5 times for maximum results
The secret of purifying your skin is to take large amountsof oxygen to the blood vessels of the faceThis effectively detoxes the blood giving you that radianceirrespective of your ageThis pose also normalizes hormonal function which is acause of a lot of skin issuesGet started by lying on your back with your feet togetherand hands relaxed along side the bodyPlace your hands underneath your hips and bottomswith your palms facing downbring the elbows closer towards each otherthen while breathing in lift the head and chest upKeeping the chest elevated, lower the head back andtouch the top of your head to the floorPress the elbows firmly into the groundand lift your chest up from in between the shoulder bladesYou also wanna keep the thighs and legs to the floor firmlyHold this pose for as long as you comfortably canFinally to come out, lift the head lowering the chest and the head to the floorBring the hands back alongside the body andrest for a few minutes, breathe in to the belly before moving onThis posture helps detoxify the body, enhancing your complexionIt also helps to calm the mind, and release stress which of-course leads to happy skinSit in a simple cross legged positionExtend the arms so the fingertips touch the mat andspine is strong, inhale and stretch the right hand all theway up and lengthen the spinethen as you exhale, twist your left placing the right handon
the outside of your left kneePlace the left hand on the floor behind you or wrap it allthe way around to the inside of your opposite thighIf comfortable, turn to look over the left shouldertake 5-10 breathsInhale and look forward, exhale and come back to centreRepeat on the other sideThe next one is a traditional yogic facial massageThis excellent technique will make you forget all yourexpensive skin treatments, it stimulates the nerves of your faceand overtime gives you a natural beautiful glowIt also helps you relax and de-stress and has only 5 simple stepsThe best part about this massage is that you don't need any oil or cremes for this techniqueGently but firmly massage your forehead with your fingers starting from the centre of your headInhaling and slowly exhaling till you reach the templesRepeat this 2-3 timesNext gently pinch along your eyebrowsRepeat this 3-4 times while continuing to breatheThen massage around your eyes in a circular motionslowly moving to the top of your cheek bonesThen in outward strokes massage the cheeksFinally look up and massage your neck in upward strokesstarting from the centre and moving to the sidesFollow these 4 practices and in no timeyou'll se your skin looking younger and more radiantUntil next time stay tuned and stay glamorous
Nice good article sir