what is the best diet to follow according to todays lifestyleor the season?

See there can not be one diet, that we cannot say this is one diet,everyone should follow.you have to identifyfind out your own natureVata, Pitta, Kapha, Prakriti. What is your Prakriti?There are five hundred different types of Prakritiof which, which one you fitting you have to find out and among that basically ten Prakritiesand their combinationsso from that, you have to find out what suits youhmm,And you go into googleyou can find many those things. Sometimes they can beconfusing also .In some YouTubes, they say potatoes are very good for you, another youtube its very bad for you one place they say you must take almondsand nuts, in anotheranother scientist says no nutsthese you should never touch, you should avoid isnt it.Contradictory viewpoints are there.Thats why I would say you talk to a Nadi doctor,Ayurvedic doctor, show him your handhe will take the pulseand he will say, ok this time this type of diet is good for you.And you follow them.Vegan is good, but not for everybody, but some people.
I would say vegan may not be so good,you may have to take a little bit of yogurt along with that some milk may be necessary.But vegetarian food is good for everyone.Or if someone says, oh no you are not used too, you must have protein, you should have this/ otherwise you will become so weak.You refute it right away.The horses are vegetarians.They have so much power.Elephant is a vegetarian.He wont go weaker I tell you.elephant is a,Bulls are vegetarians,Buffalos are vegetarians,even donkey is a vegetarian.Even a donkey is a vegetarian. So vegetarian food is very suitableto human system, especiallyif you are on the intellectual side And you want to on a spiritual, intellectualor artistictendenciesThe best-suited food for you would beVegetarian diet.
Healthy Diet
Today’s story is called “On a Healthy Diet”.It’s about a young man in college who decides to change his diet so he eats healthier food.Look below the video for the link for the transcript for this story.And, if you want to know how to get the most out of this story,watch my video called “How to Use Stories to Learn English”Click on the card up here to go there.Let’s get started with our story.On a Healthy Diet For Liam, it was hard to eat healthy in highschool.It was even harder when Liam entered college.Everywhere he went, it seemed as if he was surrounded by unhealthy food.From the dining hall pizza to the coffee shops at every corner, it was hard for him to eathealthy every day.He also had to balance many activities and classes.He felt he had no time to cook or find healthy food.He often stopped at fast food places and got quick snacks.The unhealthy food often left Liam feeling tired.He did not have the energy at the end of the day and often felt sleepy.So, Liam decided he needed to alter his eating habits.He wanted to stop eating so unhealthy, but he did not know how.He decided to start by cutting out coffee.At first it was hard since he drank coffee almost every day.By the end of the week, he felt better.He was also saving a lot of money by not having to buy a drink every day, which quickly addedup.The next step he took was to incorporate more healthy food into his diet.Instead of eating burgers and sandwiches so often,Liam decided to eat salads every otherday.He found that salads were just as quick and cheap as burgers.This made him feel more refreshed and energized.Salads even tasted better than burgers.He found himself less sleepy and more focused in classes.Liam felt so good with his diet change.He planned on cooking once a week every week.He felt ambitious and loved the changes he was making in his life.There you go!Is there anything you think it would be a good idea to change about your diet?I know sometimes I think that there’s things I really should change about the way I eat.Let me know by leaving a comment down below.If you’re interested in taking lessons with me, or you just want to know more about whoI am and what I do, check out my website.You can go there by following this link, or by going to mrspesltutor.comSubscribe to my YouTube channel by clicking over here.You can check out my playlist with all of my stories by clicking here.And watch my newest video by clicking here.How’s it going?It’s Mrs. P. here again.Today is Wednesday, so it’s time for another story.Today’s story is called “On a Healthy Diet”.It’s about a young man in college who decides to change his diet so he eats healthier food.Look below the video for the link for the transcript for this story.And, if you want to know how to get the most out of this story,watch my video called “How to Use Stories to Learn English”Click on the card up here to go there.Let’s get started with our story.On a Healthy Diet For Liam, it was hard to eat healthy in highschool.It was even harder when Liam entered college.Everywhere he went, it seemed as if he was surrounded by unhealthy food.From the dining hall pizza to the coffee shops at every corner, it was hard for him to eathealthy every day.He also had to balance many activities and classes.He felt he had no time to cook or find healthy food.He often stopped at fast food places and got quick snacks.The unhealthy food often left Liam feeling tired.He did not have the energy at the end of the day and often felt sleepy.So, Liam decided he needed to alter his eating habits.
He wanted to stop eating so unhealthy, but he did not know how.He decided to start by cutting out coffee.At first it was hard since he drank coffee almost every day.By the end of the week, he felt better.He was also saving a lot of money by not having to buy a drink every day, which quickly addedup.The next step he took was to incorporate more healthy food into his diet.Instead of eating burgers and sandwiches so often, Liam decided to eat salads every otherday.He found that salads were just as quick and cheap as burgers.This made him feel more refreshed and energized.Salads even tasted better than burgers.He found himself less sleepy and more focused in classes.Liam felt so good with his diet change.He planned on cooking once a week every week.He felt ambitious and loved the changes he was making in his life.
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